Why handmade soaps?
Commercial soaps started wreaking havoc on my skin years ago yet I couldn’t figure out what the heck was going on. I made my own body butters but there were still some (personal parts) of my body that remained dry and irritated. I realized I couldn’t use commercial liquid or even bar soaps I’ve used since I was a kid. It’s like when you get older your body seems to protest against all the chemical laden products you once used with little to no problem. So I started making my soaps mainly for myself, friends and family. I knew I was on to something when those minor parts of my body were no longer irritated and dry. And just to be sure I went back to using commercial soaps and guess what?! Those little irritations returned.
Handmade soaps are all natural and gentle on the skin. I use cold process and hot process method. I prefer hot process because the lye is cooked out and soap can be used a day later. However before selling I prefer to wait two weeks for the soaps to harden which will prolong the life of your soap.
With the cold process method, the soap batter is easily pourable and also caustic when poured into the soap molds and require 6 week’s cure time.
Why are some of the herbs discolored?
The only flower I know that keeps its yellow color is the calendula petal. During the saponification process other flowers can turn colors. No, they aren't bad but it is due to the saponification process (when oil is converted into soap) This doesn't take from the effectiveness of the soap.
Why does my handmade soap melt faster than my commercial soaps?
Commercial soaps have special chemicals in them so they don't melt as fast. These chemicals are usually the cause of dry, itchy skin. To ensure the longevity of your soap keep your soap dry, I also suggest wooden soap dishes.
I'm allergic to herbs.
Sometimes we never know what we're allergic to until we try something. My clients use herbs in their foods and on their bodies and are used to everything. If you're new to herbal infused products do a small patch test on skin to see if there is an allergic reaction.
Why isn't your soap lye free?
During the first phase of soap making, All soaps are made with lye. Soap is made when oils and lye are combined. (saponification) Once the process is complete, the lye evaporates. I love using the hot process method where the key is cooked out and I can use the soap the next day. However, I usually like to sell my soaps 3-5 weeks after creating to ensure they harden. The older the soap, the longer it lasts and is milder.
Why don't you have extravagant colors in your soaps?
I like to keep things as natural as possible without all the artificial colorings. My body prefers natural, especially the yoni area. If you’re sensitive like me (That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?) I can’t use a lot of colorants without my body revolting. There are a plethora of ways to incorporate pretty colors by using herbs, clays, and seeds. Salts, charcoal powders, the sky is the limit!!